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Peter x Emma (Willem x Mintse) 1st BPS USA born foal- Viola

Stamboek or also called Studbook

 The Barock Pinto horse (Pinto Friesian) have been breeding in the Netherlands for 

more than 50 years.  

It started when  Mr. Hellinga offered his Pinto Nico for stud. This stud had absolutely not been approved in any studbook. In that time it had not been prohibited to offer unapproved studs for breeding. But studbooks were not happy with Bonte (Pinto) Nico and went as far as to lay in wait in the forests, in hopes of seizing him, castrating and thus finishing his breeding. The penalty fines  amounted to fl.30, =. This fine was gladly paid, as the Pinto foals of Bonte Nico already produced 4 x the income of a Friesian offspring.  A Friesian offspring brought an average of fl.200, whereas Pinto Nico

 offspring bought fl.1000.=
However, Bonte Nico received a lot of recognition and covered a minimum of 100 mares in that time. In the 80's stood Bonte Bart from Mr.  B. Renken of Marssum in Friesland for breeding. This Stud also was very popular but his offspring were 

not registered in any studbooks.
Fortunately, there were enough breeders of these horses that the breed continued.  Among such breeders was Mr. H. de Ruiter of Bantega, NL.  He has bred

 Pinto Friesians for 25 years!
Now with our new Studbook, it will be finally possible to  register the future foals.   

We hope we can breed  this unique race and can preserve it for the future.


Development of the BPS registered Pinto Friesian in the USA

Watching for a decade as Mr. Arnold Wemmenhove  bred his Pinto Samber motherline DWB mare with approved Friesian Grand Prix stallion Adel 357, producing BPS Foundation sire - Willem van Nassau.  Willem is successfully competing International Dressage with Bennie van Ness (see sport section).   Excalibur  Horses has attended  the keurings in the Netherlands, purchasing and importing this fine breed to the USA, with clients enthusiastically buying the initial 9 imported foals in less than 5 months.  In spring of 2012 the first BPS foal was born to imported 2011 CH Emma.  Also in 2012Excalibur purchased and imported the newly approved BPS Stallion PETER.  BPS USA looks forward to its first keuring in 2013.